Sunday, January 8, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is not too far away! If you really want to impress your loved one this year, consider some of these fun ideas to help show you care.

1) Surprise your loved-one by picking him up in a stretch limousine for work. Or arrange to have a town ca pick him after a long day. Hide in the back of the limousine, or if you can't be together on the special day, have the back of the limousine filled with balloons.

2) Have a uniformed chauffeur deliver a dozen roses via a limousine.

3) Create a love-themed scavenger hunt. Write clues that will take your sweetie to the place you first met, the location of your first kiss or where you got engaged. Rent a limousine and have the chauffeur supply the clues to your loved-one as needed.

4) Out of town? Give your honey a gift card to her favorite restaurant, a spa treatment and a limousine rental. She will feel spoiled and loved even if you aren't there to share it with her.

5) Make a fancy picnic and take a limousine to your favorite outdoor spot to enjoy it.

6) Rent a limousine and bring your favorite movie, a blanket and a favorite beverage. Have the limousine driver park in a scenic location, watch the movie and snuggle.

7) Looking for a more traditional date? A nice dinner, roses and a good movie always make for a fun date. Add a limousine to the evening to make it more exciting.

8) Take the day off and go on a day trip via limousine. Visit a Seattle museum and have dinner in a little downtown eateries. You can also visit a tourist attraction, go to a concert or play.

9) Double Date! Want to share the cost of a limousine rental? Invite another couple along for the fun. Visit a favorite restaurant or go on a progressive dinner date.

10) Take a limousine to go dancing or to enjoy the night life. 

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